Time series forecasting example

This example explains how to solve time series forecasting task using Fedot.

Generally Fedot provides a high-level API that enables you to use common fit/predict interface. To use API it is required to import certain object:

from fedot import Fedot

Then we have to load data and split it on train and test set. But firstly we need to define forecast length. Let it be equal 10. We have to create InputData object - it contains features, indexes, and target (for time series forecasting task) the target - time series itself. InputData.from_csv_time_series() may be used. Then we just split our time series into train and test part (test part has 10 last time series elements). You also can find another ways of data passing in this example <data>.

from fedot.core.data.data import InputData
from fedot.core.data.data_split import train_test_data_setup
from fedot.core.repository.tasks import Task, TaskTypesEnum, TsForecastingParams

# specify the task and the forecast length (required depth of forecast)
task = Task(TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting,

# load data from csv
train_input = InputData.from_csv_time_series(task=task,
# split data for train and test
train_data, test_data = train_test_data_setup(train_input)


There are 3 possible values for TaskType:
  • TaskTypesEnum.classification

  • TaskTypesEnum.regression

  • TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting

Initialize the FEDOT object and define the type of modeling problem. In this case, problem is ts_forecasting. Here we should pass Task.task_params to constructor because optimizer should know which forecasting length is. We don’t pass timeout parameter - that means optimization will stop only when it will approach plateau. (But setting this parameter is strongly recommended by default)

# init model for the time-series forecasting
model = Fedot(problem='ts_forecasting', task_params=task.task_params)


Class Fedot.__init__() has more parameters, e.g. n_jobs for parallelization. For more details, see the FEDOT API section in our documentation.

Due to you work with time series data you only need to pass InputData object only.

 # run AutoML model design
best_pipeline = model.fit(train_data)

After the fitting is completed, you can look at the structure of the resulting pipeline.

In text format:


And in plot format:


To obtain out-of-sample prediction for test data you need call forecast() method from Fedot class. Out of sample means that your model will predict values based on historical values and it’s own predictions (if forecast length more than defined). This mode is more fair and clear.

 # use model to obtain out-of-sample forecast with one step
forecast = model.forecast(test_data)

The get_metrics() method estimates the quality of predictions according the selected metrics.

print(model.get_metrics(metric_names=['rmse', 'mae', 'mape'])

Since you got a prediction and calculated metrics you can plot your prediction by calling plot_prediction() method. For time series forecasting task it plots historical time series, real target values and prediction of the model.


You may interested to save the model. To perform that just call best_pipeline.save()

best_pipeline.save(path='path_to_save_and_load', create_subdir=False, is_datetime_in_path=False)

To load fitted pipeline you can invoke .load() from just initialised Pipeline object method with passing path to your pipeline.

from fedot.core.pipelines.pipeline import Pipeline
loaded_pipeline = Pipeline().load('path_to_save_and_load')

Also you should refit your model for a new data:

import pandas as pd
from fedot.core.repository.dataset_types import DataTypesEnum
new_data = InputData.from_csv_time_series(task=task,

forecast = loaded_pipeline.predict(forecast_length=10).predict # Note that we should take .predict field for prediction


For more detail about pipelines save and load, please visit this section </basics/pipeline_save_load>.

Thus by this example we learned how to solve time series forecasting task with Fedot.