Source code for fedot.core.repository.tasks

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, List, Optional

from golem.utilities.data_structures import ComparableEnum as Enum

[docs]@dataclass class TaskParams: pass
[docs]@dataclass class TsForecastingParams(TaskParams): forecast_length: int def __post_init__(self): if self.forecast_length < 1: raise ValueError('Forecast length should be more then 0')
[docs]class TaskTypesEnum(Enum): classification = 'classification' regression = 'regression' ts_forecasting = 'ts_forecasting' clustering = 'clustering' # not applicable as main task yet
[docs]@dataclass class Task: task_type: TaskTypesEnum task_params: Optional[TaskParams] = None
# local tasks that can be solved as a part of global tasks def compatible_task_types(main_task_type: TaskTypesEnum) -> List[TaskTypesEnum]: _compatible_task_types = { TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting: [TaskTypesEnum.regression], TaskTypesEnum.classification: [TaskTypesEnum.clustering], TaskTypesEnum.regression: [TaskTypesEnum.clustering, TaskTypesEnum.classification] } if main_task_type not in _compatible_task_types: return [] return _compatible_task_types[main_task_type] def extract_task_param(task: Task) -> Any: try: task_params = task.task_params if isinstance(task_params, TsForecastingParams): prediction_len = task_params.forecast_length return prediction_len else: raise ValueError('Incorrect parameters type for data') except AttributeError as ex: raise AttributeError(f'Params are required for the {task} task: {ex}')