import json
import logging
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
import numpy as np
from golem.core.log import default_log
from golem.utilities.data_structures import ensure_wrapped_in_sequence
from fedot.core.constants import AUTO_PRESET_NAME, BEST_QUALITY_PRESET_NAME
from fedot.core.repository.dataset_types import DataTypesEnum
from fedot.core.repository.json_evaluation import import_enums_from_str, import_strategy_from_str, read_field
from fedot.core.repository.tasks import Task, TaskTypesEnum
from gph import ripser_parallel as ripser
dummy_var = ripser # for pep8
except ModuleNotFoundError:
from fedot.core.operations.evaluation.evaluation_interfaces import EvaluationStrategy
AVAILABLE_REPO_NAMES = ['all', 'model', 'data_operation', 'automl']
def run_once(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not wrapper.has_run:
wrapper.has_run = True
return function(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.has_run = False
return wrapper
[docs]class OperationTypesRepository:
"""Class for connecting models and data operations with json files with
its descriptions and metadata
__initialized_repositories__ = {}
# The later the tag, the higher its priority in case of intersection
DEFAULT_MODEL_TAGS = ['linear', 'non_linear', 'custom_model', 'tree', 'boosting', 'ts_model', 'deep']
'data_source', 'feature_scaling', 'imputation', 'feature_reduction', 'feature_engineering', 'encoding',
'filtering', 'feature_selection', 'ts_to_table', 'smoothing', 'ts_to_ts', 'text', 'decompose', 'imbalanced',
'data_source_img', 'data_source_text', 'data_source_table', 'data_source_ts', 'feature_space_transformation',
__repository_dict__ = {
'model': {'file': 'model_repository.json', 'initialized_repo': None, 'default_tags': DEFAULT_MODEL_TAGS},
'data_operation': {'file': 'data_operation_repository.json', 'initialized_repo': None,
'automl': {'file': 'automl_repository.json', 'initialized_repo': None, 'default_tags': []}
def __init__(self, operation_type: str = 'model'):
self.log = default_log(self)
self._tags_excluded_by_default = ['non-default', 'expensive']
self.operation_type = operation_type
self.repository_name = []
self._repo = []
self.default_tags = []
if operation_type == 'all':
for op_type in OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__.keys():
operations = OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[op_type]['initialized_repo']
self.default_tags += OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[op_type]['default_tags']
if operations is not None:
for operation in operations:
if operation not in self._repo:
self.repository_name = OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[operation_type]['file']
self._repo = OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[operation_type]['initialized_repo']
self.default_tags = OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[operation_type]['default_tags']
def get_available_repositories(cls):
operation_types = []
for t in cls.__repository_dict__:
if cls.__repository_dict__[t]['initialized_repo'] is not None:
return operation_types
def init_automl_repository(cls):
default_automl_repo_file = cls.__repository_dict__['automl']['file']
return cls.assign_repo('automl', default_automl_repo_file)
def init_default_repositories(cls):
# default model repo
default_model_repo_file = cls.__repository_dict__['model']['file']
cls.assign_repo('model', default_model_repo_file)
# default data_operation repo
default_data_operation_repo_file = cls.__repository_dict__['data_operation']['file']
cls.assign_repo('data_operation', default_data_operation_repo_file)
def assign_repo(cls, operation_type: str, repo_file: str):
if operation_type not in cls.__repository_dict__:
raise Warning(f'The {operation_type} is not supported. The model type will be set')
repo_path = create_repository_path(repo_file)
if repo_file not in cls.__initialized_repositories__.keys():
cls.__initialized_repositories__[repo_file] = cls._initialise_repo(repo_path)
cls.__repository_dict__[operation_type]['file'] = repo_file
cls.__repository_dict__[operation_type]['initialized_repo'] = cls.__initialized_repositories__[repo_file]
return OperationTypesRepository(operation_type)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.repo_path = None
OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[self.operation_type]['initialized_repo'] = None
default_model_repo_file = OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__['model']['file']
OperationTypesRepository.assign_repo('model', default_model_repo_file)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} for {self.repository_name}"
def is_initialized(self):
return OperationTypesRepository.__repository_dict__[self.operation_type]['initialized_repo'] is None
[docs] @classmethod
def _initialise_repo(cls, repo_path: str) -> List[OperationMetaInfo]:
"""Method parse ``JSON`` repository with operations descriptions and
wrapped information into :obj:`OperationMetaInfo`, then put it into the list
List[OperationMetaInfo]: list with :obj:`OperationMetaInfo` for every operation from ``json`` repository
repository_json = load_repository(repo_path)
metadata_json = repository_json['metadata']
operations_json = repository_json['operations']
operations_list = []
for current_operation_key in operations_json:
# Get information about operation
# properties - information about operation by key, for example tags
# metadata - information about meta of the operation
properties = operations_json.get(current_operation_key)
metadata = metadata_json[properties['meta']]
task_types = import_enums_from_str(metadata['tasks'])
input_type = import_enums_from_str(properties.get('input_type', metadata.get('input_type')))
output_type = import_enums_from_str(properties.get('output_type', metadata.get('output_type')))
# Get available strategies for obtained metadata
supported_strategies = OperationTypesRepository.get_strategies_by_metadata(metadata)
accepted_node_types = read_field(metadata, 'accepted_node_types', ['any'])
forbidden_node_types = read_field(metadata, 'forbidden_node_types', [])
# Get tags for meta and for operation
meta_tags = read_field(metadata, 'tags', [])
operation_tags = read_field(properties, 'tags', [])
presets = read_field(properties, 'presets', [])
allowed_positions = ['primary', 'secondary', 'root']
if accepted_node_types and accepted_node_types != 'all':
allowed_positions = accepted_node_types
if forbidden_node_types:
allowed_positions = [pos for pos in allowed_positions if
pos not in forbidden_node_types]
# Unit tags
tags = meta_tags + operation_tags
operation = OperationMetaInfo(id=current_operation_key,
return operations_list
[docs] def operation_info_by_id(self, operation_id: str) -> Optional[OperationMetaInfo]:
""" Get operation by it's name (id) """
operation_id = get_operation_type_from_id(operation_id)
operations_with_id = [m for m in self._repo if == operation_id]
if len(operations_with_id) > 1:
raise ValueError('Several operations with same id in repository')
if len(operations_with_id) == 0:
self.log.warning(f'Operation {operation_id} not found in the repository')
return None
return operations_with_id[0]
[docs] def operations_with_tag(self, tags: List[str], is_full_match: bool = False):
""" Method returns operations from repository with specific tags
:param tags: list of required tags
:param is_full_match: are all tags are required
:return list of suitable operations names
operations_info = [m for m in self._repo if
_is_operation_contains_tag(tags, m.tags, is_full_match)]
return [ for m in operations_info]
[docs] def suitable_operation(self, task_type: TaskTypesEnum = None,
data_type: DataTypesEnum = None,
tags: List[str] = None, is_full_match: bool = False,
forbidden_tags: List[str] = None,
preset: str = None) -> List[str]:
"""Method returns operations from repository for desired task and / or
tags. Filtering method.
task_type: task to filter
data_type: data type to filter
tags: operations with which tags are required
is_full_match: requires all tags to match, or at least one
forbidden_tags: operations with such tags shouldn't be returned
preset: return operations from desired preset
if not forbidden_tags:
forbidden_tags = []
if not tags:
for excluded_default_tag in self._tags_excluded_by_default:
# Forbidden tags by default
no_task = task_type is None
operations_info = []
for o in self._repo:
is_desired_task = task_type in o.task_type or no_task
tags_good = not tags or _is_operation_contains_tag(tags, o.tags, is_full_match)
tags_bad = not forbidden_tags or not _is_operation_contains_tag(forbidden_tags, o.tags, False)
is_desired_preset = _is_operation_contains_preset(o.presets, preset)
if is_desired_task and tags_good and tags_bad and is_desired_preset:
if data_type:
# ignore text and image data types: there are no operations with these `input_type`
ignore_data_type = data_type in [DataTypesEnum.text, DataTypesEnum.image]
if data_type == DataTypesEnum.ts:
valid_data_types = [DataTypesEnum.ts, DataTypesEnum.table]
valid_data_types = ensure_wrapped_in_sequence(data_type)
if not ignore_data_type:
operations_info = [o for o in operations_info if
np.any([data_type in o.input_types for data_type in valid_data_types])]
return [ for m in operations_info]
def operations(self):
return self._repo
[docs] def get_first_suitable_operation_tag(self, operation: str, tags_to_find: Optional[List[str]] = None) \
-> Optional[str]:
"""Finds the first suitable tag for the operation in the repository.
operation: name of the operation
tags_to_find: list of suitable tags. The later the tag, the higher its priority in case of intersection
Optional[List[str]]: first suitable tag or ``None``
tags_to_find = tags_to_find or self.default_tags
info = self.operation_info_by_id(operation)
if info is None:
return None
for tag in reversed(tags_to_find):
if tag in info.tags:
return tag
return None
[docs]def _is_operation_contains_tag(candidate_tags: List[str],
operation_tags: List[str],
is_full_match: bool) -> bool:
"""The function checks which operations are suitable for the selected tags
candidate_tags: ``list`` with tags that the operation must have in order
to fit the selected task
operation_tags: ``list`` with tags with names as in repository json file
which correspond to the considering operation
is_full_match: requires all tags to match, or at least one
bool: is there a match on the tags
matches = (tag in operation_tags for tag in candidate_tags)
if is_full_match:
return all(matches)
return any(matches)
[docs]def _is_operation_contains_preset(operation_presets: List[str], preset: str) -> bool:
"""Checking whether the operation is suitable for current preset
if preset is None:
# None means that best_quality preset are using so return all operations
return True
return preset in operation_presets
def atomized_model_type():
return 'atomized_operation'
def atomized_model_meta_tags():
return ['random'], ['any'], ['atomized']
[docs]def get_operations_for_task(task: Optional[Task], data_type: Optional[DataTypesEnum] = None, mode='all', tags=None,
forbidden_tags=None, preset: str = None):
"""Function returns aliases of operations.
task: task to solve
data_type: type of input data
mode: mode to return operations
.. details:: the possible parameters of ``mode``:
- ``all`` -> return list with all operations
- ``model`` -> return only list with models
- ``data_operation`` -> return only list with data_operations
tags: tags for grabbing when filtering
forbidden_tags: tags for skipping when filtering
preset: operations from this preset will be obtained
list: operation aliases
# Preset None means that all operations will be returned
if preset is not None:
preset = None
if task is not None and task.task_type is TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting and not EXTRA_TS_INSTALLED:
if not forbidden_tags:
forbidden_tags = []
"Extra dependencies for time series forecasting are not installed. It can infuence the "
"performance. Please install it by 'pip install fedot[extra]'")
task_type = task.task_type if task else None
repo = OperationTypesRepository(mode)
model_types = repo.suitable_operation(task_type, data_type=data_type, tags=tags, forbidden_tags=forbidden_tags,
return model_types
raise ValueError(f'Such mode "{mode}" is not supported')
def get_operation_type_from_id(operation_id):
operation_type = _operation_name_without_postfix(operation_id)
return operation_type
[docs]def _operation_name_without_postfix(operation_id):
operation_id: operation name with optional postfix - text after / sign
operation type - all characters before postfix (all characters if no postfix found)
postfix_sign = '/'
# if the operation id has custom postfix
if postfix_sign in operation_id:
if operation_id.count(postfix_sign) > 1:
raise ValueError(f'Incorrect number of postfixes in {operation_id}')
return operation_id.split('/')[0]
return operation_id
def load_repository(repo_path: str) -> dict:
# Loads the repository for various cases and loads the necessary additional data "base_repository.json".
with open(repo_path) as repository_json_file:
repository_json = json.load(repository_json_file)
if 'base_repository' in repository_json:
base_repository_json_file = create_repository_path(repository_json['base_repository'])
with open(base_repository_json_file) as repository_json_file:
base_repository_json = json.load(repository_json_file)
merged_dict = defaultdict(dict)
for key, nested_dict in repository_json.items():
if key not in merged_dict:
merged_dict[key] = nested_dict
repository_json = dict(merged_dict)
return repository_json
def create_repository_path(repository_name: str) -> str:
# Path till repository file
file = os.path.join('data', repository_name)
# Path till current file with script
repo_folder_path = str(os.path.dirname(__file__))
repo_path = os.path.join(repo_folder_path, file)
return repo_path