Source code for fedot.core.pipelines.node

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from golem.core.dag.linked_graph_node import LinkedGraphNode
from golem.core.log import default_log
from golem.core.optimisers.timer import Timer
from golem.serializers.serializer import register_serializable

from import InputData, OutputData
from import DataMerger
from fedot.core.operations.factory import OperationFactory
from fedot.core.operations.operation import Operation
from fedot.core.operations.operation_parameters import OperationParameters
from fedot.core.repository.operation_types_repository import OperationTypesRepository
from fedot.core.utils import DEFAULT_PARAMS_STUB, NESTED_PARAMS_LABEL

[docs]@register_serializable @dataclass class NodeMetadata: """Dataclass. :class:`PipelineNode` metadata Args: metric: quality score """ metric: Optional[float] = None
[docs]class PipelineNode(LinkedGraphNode): """The class defines the interface of nodes modifying tha data flow in the :class:`Pipeline` Args: operation_type: operation defined in the operation repository nodes_from: parent nodes where data comes from node_data: ``dict`` with :class:`InputData` for fit and predict stage kwargs: optional arguments (i.e. logger) """ def __init__(self, operation_type: Optional[Union[str, Operation]] = None, nodes_from: Optional[List[PipelineNode]] = None, node_data: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs): if node_data is None: self._node_data = {} self.direct_set = False else: self._node_data = node_data # Was the data passed directly to the node or not self.direct_set = True passed_content = kwargs.get('content') if passed_content: # Define operation, based on content dictionary operation = self._process_content_init(passed_content) params = passed_content.get('params', {}) self.metadata = passed_content.get('metadata', NodeMetadata()) else: # There is no content for node operation = self._process_direct_init(operation_type) # Define operation with default parameters params = {} self.metadata = NodeMetadata() self.fit_time_in_seconds = 0 self.inference_time_in_seconds = 0 super().__init__(content={'name': operation}, nodes_from=nodes_from) # use parameters.setter to process input parameters correctly self.parameters = params self.log = default_log(self) self._fitted_operation = None self.rating = None @property def is_primary(self): if not self.nodes_from or len(self.nodes_from) == 0: return True
[docs] def _process_content_init(self, passed_content: dict) -> Operation: """ Updating content in the node """ if isinstance(passed_content['name'], str): # Need to convert name of operation into operation class object operation_factory = OperationFactory(operation_name=passed_content['name']) operation = operation_factory.get_operation() passed_content.update({'name': operation}) else: operation = passed_content['name'] self.content = passed_content return operation
[docs] @staticmethod def _process_direct_init(operation_type: Optional[Union[str, Operation]]) -> Operation: """Define operation based on the direct ``operation_type`` without defining content in the node Args: operation_type: node type representation Returns: Operation: operation class object """ if not operation_type: raise ValueError('Operation is not defined in the node') if not isinstance(operation_type, str): # AtomizedModel operation = operation_type else: # Define appropriate operation or data operation operation_factory = OperationFactory(operation_name=operation_type) operation = operation_factory.get_operation() return operation
[docs] def update_params(self): """Updates :attr:`custom_params` with changed parameters""" new_params = self.fitted_operation.get_params() changed_parameters = new_params.changed_parameters updated_parameters = {**self.parameters, **changed_parameters} self.parameters = updated_parameters
@property def name(self) -> str: """ Returns str name of operation """ return self.operation.operation_type @property def operation(self) -> Operation: """Returns node operation object Returns: Operation: operation object """ return self.content['name'] @operation.setter def operation(self, value: Operation): """Updates ``operation`` property with the provided ``value`` Args: value: new operation object """ self.content.update({'name': value}) @property def fitted_operation(self) -> Optional[Any]: """Returns already fitted operation if exists or ``None`` instead Returns: node fitted operation or ``None`` """ return getattr(self, '_fitted_operation', None) @fitted_operation.setter def fitted_operation(self, value: Any): """Sets node fitted operation with the provided ``value`` Args: value: any model from the ``list`` of acceptable nodes for the chosen task and problem """ if value is None: if hasattr(self, '_fitted_operation'): del self._fitted_operation else: self._fitted_operation = value
[docs] def unfit(self): """Sets ``node_data`` (if exists) and ``fitted_operation`` to ``None`` """ self.fitted_operation = None if hasattr(self, 'node_data'): self.node_data = None
[docs] def fit(self, input_data: InputData) -> OutputData: """Runs training process in the node Args: input_data: data used for operation training Returns: OutputData: values predicted on the provided ``input_data`` """ self.log.debug(f'Trying to fit pipeline node with operation: {self.operation}') input_data = self._get_input_data(input_data=input_data, parent_operation='fit') if self.fitted_operation is None: with Timer() as t: self.fitted_operation, operation_predict =, data=input_data) self.fit_time_in_seconds = round(t.seconds_from_start, 3) else: operation_predict = self.operation.predict_for_fit(fitted_operation=self.fitted_operation, data=input_data, params=self._parameters) # Update parameters after operation fitting (they can be corrected) not_atomized_operation = 'atomized' not in self.operation.operation_type if not_atomized_operation and 'correct_params' in self.operation.metadata.tags: self.update_params() return operation_predict
[docs] def predict(self, input_data: InputData, output_mode: str = 'default') -> OutputData: """Runs prediction process in the node Args: input_data: data used for prediction output_mode: desired output for operations (e.g. ``'labels'``, ``'probs'``, ``'full_probs'``) Returns: OutputData: values predicted on the provided ``input_data`` """ self.log.debug(f'Obtain prediction in pipeline node by operation: {self.operation}') input_data = self._get_input_data(input_data=input_data, parent_operation='predict') with Timer() as t: operation_predict = self.operation.predict(fitted_operation=self.fitted_operation, params=self._parameters, data=input_data, output_mode=output_mode) self.inference_time_in_seconds = round(t.seconds_from_start, 3) return operation_predict
[docs] def get_data_from_node(self) -> dict: """Returns data if it was set to the nodes directly Returns: dict: ``dict`` with :class:`InputData` for fit and predict stage """ return self.node_data
@property def node_data(self) -> dict: """Returns directly set :attr:`node_data` Returns: dict: ``dict`` with :class:`InputData` for fit and predict stage """ return getattr(self, '_node_data', {}) @node_data.setter def node_data(self, value: dict): """Sets :attr:`node_data` Args: value: ``dict`` with :class:`InputData` for fit and predict stage """ if value is None: if hasattr(self, '_node_data'): del self._node_data else: self._node_data = value def _get_input_data(self, input_data: InputData, parent_operation: str): if self.nodes_from: input_data = self._input_from_parents(input_data=input_data, parent_operation=parent_operation) else: if self.direct_set: input_data = self.node_data else: self.node_data = input_data return input_data
[docs] def _input_from_parents(self, input_data: InputData, parent_operation: str) -> InputData: """Processes all the parent nodes via the current operation using ``input_data`` Args: input_data: input data from pipeline abstraction (source input data) parent_operation: name of parent operation (``'fit'`` or ``'predict'``) Returns: InputData: predictions from the secondary nodes """ if len(self.nodes_from) == 0: raise ValueError('No parent nodes found') self.log.debug(f'Fit all parent nodes in secondary node with operation: {self.operation}') parent_nodes = self._nodes_from_with_fixed_order() parent_results, _ = _combine_parents(parent_nodes, input_data, parent_operation) secondary_input = DataMerger.get(parent_results).merge() # Update info about visited nodes parent_operations = [node.operation.operation_type for node in parent_nodes] secondary_input.supplementary_data.previous_operations = parent_operations return secondary_input
[docs] def _nodes_from_with_fixed_order(self): """Sorts :attr:`nodes_from` (if exists) by the nodes unique id Returns: sorted :attr:`nodes_from` by :obj:`GraphNode.descriptive_id` or ``None`` """ return sorted(self.nodes_from, key=lambda node: node.descriptive_id)
@property def parameters(self) -> dict: """Returns node custom parameters Returns: dict: of custom parameters """ return self.content.get('params') @parameters.setter def parameters(self, params: dict): """Sets custom parameters of the node or set default Args: params: new parameters to be placed instead of existing """ if params is not None: # The check for "default_params" is needed for backward compatibility. if params == DEFAULT_PARAMS_STUB: params = {} # take nested params if they appeared (mostly used for tuning) if NESTED_PARAMS_LABEL in params: params = params[NESTED_PARAMS_LABEL] self._parameters = OperationParameters.from_operation_type(self.operation.operation_type, **params) self.content['params'] = self._parameters.to_dict()
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Returns ``str`` representation of the node Returns: str: string field node operation type """ return str(self.operation.operation_type)
@property def tags(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Returns tags of operation in the node or empty list Returns: Optional[List[str]]: ``empty list`` if node is of atomized type and ``list of tags`` otherwise """ if 'atomized' in self.operation.operation_type: # There are no tags for atomized operation return [] info = OperationTypesRepository(operation_type='all').operation_info_by_id(self.operation.operation_type) if info is not None: return info.tags
[docs]def _combine_parents(parent_nodes: List[PipelineNode], input_data: Optional[InputData], parent_operation: str) -> Tuple[List[OutputData], np.array]: """ Combines predictions from the ``parent_nodes`` Args: parent_nodes: list of parent nodes, from which predictions will be combined input_data: input data from pipeline abstraction (source input data) parent_operation: name of parent operation (``'fit'`` or ``'predict'``) Returns: Tuple[List[OutputData], np.array]: :obj:`output data list from parent nodes`, :obj:`target for final pipeline prediction` """ if input_data is not None: # InputData was set to pipeline target = parent_results = [] for parent in parent_nodes: if parent_operation == 'predict': prediction = parent.predict(input_data=input_data) parent_results.append(prediction) elif parent_operation == 'fit': prediction = parent_results.append(prediction) else: raise ValueError("Value parent_operation should be 'fit' or 'predict'") if input_data is None: # InputData was set to primary nodes target = return parent_results, target
# TODO: these two lines are used for backwards compatibility. # It should be removed and replaced by a script for converting old-style pipelines (with PrimaryNode and SecondaryNode) # to a new-style ones (only with PipelineNode). PrimaryNode = PipelineNode SecondaryNode = PipelineNode