import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional
from golem.utilities.requirements_notificator import warn_requirement
from fedot.utilities.custom_errors import AbstractMethodNotImplementError
import cudf
import cuml
from cuml import Ridge, LogisticRegression, Lasso, ElasticNet, \
MBSGDClassifier, MBSGDRegressor, CD
from cuml.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor
from cuml.svm import SVC
from cuml.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier as CuMlknnClassifier, \
KNeighborsRegressor as CuMlknnRegressor
from cuml import LinearRegression as CuMlLinReg, SGD as CuMlSGD, \
MultinomialNB as CuMlMultinomialNB
except ModuleNotFoundError:
warn_requirement('cudf / cuml', 'cudf / cuml')
cudf = None
cuml = None
from import InputData, OutputData
from fedot.core.operations.evaluation.evaluation_interfaces import SkLearnEvaluationStrategy
from fedot.core.repository.operation_types_repository import OperationTypesRepository
from fedot.core.repository.tasks import TaskTypesEnum
from fedot.utilities.random import ImplementationRandomStateHandler
[docs]class CuMLEvaluationStrategy(SkLearnEvaluationStrategy):
This class defines the certain operation implementation for the GPU-based CuML operations
defined in operation repository
:param str operation_type: str type of the operation defined in operation or
data operation repositories
:param dict params: hyperparameters to fit the operation with
_operations_by_types = {
'ridge': Ridge,
'lasso': Lasso,
'logit': LogisticRegression,
'linear': CuMlLinReg,
'rf': RandomForestClassifier,
'rfr': RandomForestRegressor,
'svc': SVC,
'knn': CuMlknnClassifier,
'knnreg': CuMlknnRegressor,
'sgd': CuMlSGD,
'multinb': CuMlMultinomialNB,
'elasticnet': ElasticNet,
'mbsgdclass': MBSGDClassifier,
'mbsgdcregr': MBSGDRegressor,
'cd': CD
except NameError:
# if cuML not installed
_operations_by_types = {}
def __init__(self, operation_type: str, params: Optional[dict] = None):
super().__init__(operation_type, params)
self.operation_impl = self._convert_to_operation(operation_type)
[docs] def fit(self, train_data: InputData):
This method is used for operation training with the data provided
:param InputData train_data: data used for operation training
:return: trained cuML operation
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
operation_implementation = self.operation_impl(**self.params_for_fit.to_dict())
# If model doesn't support multi-output and current task is ts_forecasting
current_task = train_data.task.task_type
models_repo = OperationTypesRepository()
non_multi_models = models_repo.suitable_operation(task_type=current_task,
is_model_not_support_multi = self.operation_type in non_multi_models
features = cudf.DataFrame(train_data.features.astype('float32'))
target = cudf.Series('float32'))
if is_model_not_support_multi and current_task == TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting:
raise NotImplementedError('Not supported for GPU yet')
# TODO Manually wrap the regressor into multi-output model
with ImplementationRandomStateHandler(implementation=operation_implementation):, target)
return operation_implementation
[docs] @abstractmethod
def predict(self, trained_operation, predict_data: InputData) -> OutputData:
This method used for prediction of the target data during predict stage.
:param trained_operation: operation object
:param predict_data: data to predict
:return OutputData: passed data with new predicted target
raise AbstractMethodNotImplementError