Source code for fedot.core.operations.evaluation.evaluation_interfaces

import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from golem.core.log import default_log
from lightgbm.sklearn import LGBMClassifier, LGBMRegressor
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans as SklearnKmeans
from sklearn.ensemble import (
from sklearn.linear_model import (
    Lasso as SklearnLassoReg,
    LinearRegression as SklearnLinReg,
    LogisticRegression as SklearnLogReg,
    Ridge as SklearnRidgeReg,
    SGDRegressor as SklearnSGD
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputClassifier, MultiOutputRegressor
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB as SklearnBernoulliNB, MultinomialNB as SklearnMultinomialNB
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVR as SklearnSVR
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor
from xgboost import XGBClassifier, XGBRegressor

from import InputData, OutputData
from fedot.core.operations.operation_parameters import OperationParameters
from fedot.core.repository.dataset_types import DataTypesEnum
from fedot.core.repository.operation_types_repository import OperationTypesRepository, get_operation_type_from_id
from fedot.core.repository.tasks import TaskTypesEnum
from fedot.utilities.custom_errors import AbstractMethodNotImplementError
from fedot.utilities.random import ImplementationRandomStateHandler

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)

[docs]class EvaluationStrategy: """Base class to define the evaluation strategy of Operation object: the certain sklearn or any other operation with fit/predict methods. Args: operation_type: ``str`` of the operation defined in operation repository params: hyperparameters to fit the operation with """ def __init__(self, operation_type: str, params: Optional[OperationParameters] = None): self.params_for_fit = params or OperationParameters() self.operation_id = operation_type self.output_mode = False self.log = default_log(self) @property def operation_type(self): return get_operation_type_from_id(self.operation_id)
[docs] @abstractmethod def fit(self, train_data: InputData): """Main method to train the operation with the data provided Args: train_data: data used for operation training Returns: """ raise AbstractMethodNotImplementError(self.__class__)
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict(self, trained_operation, predict_data: InputData) -> OutputData: """Method to predict the target data for predict stage. Args: trained_operation: trained operation object predict_data: data to predict Returns: passed data with new predicted target """ raise AbstractMethodNotImplementError
[docs] def predict_for_fit(self, trained_operation, predict_data: InputData) -> OutputData: """Method to predict the target data for fit stage. Allows to implement predict method different from main predict method if another behaviour for fit graph stage is needed. Args: trained_operation: trained operation object predict_data: data to predict Returns: passed data with new predicted target """ return self.predict(trained_operation, predict_data)
def _convert_to_operation(self, operation_type: str): if operation_type in self._operations_by_types: return self._operations_by_types[operation_type] else: raise ValueError(f'Impossible to obtain {self.__class__} strategy for {operation_type}') @property def implementation_info(self) -> str: return str(self._convert_to_operation(self.operation_type))
[docs] @staticmethod def _convert_to_output(prediction, predict_data: InputData, output_data_type: DataTypesEnum = DataTypesEnum.table) -> OutputData: """Method convert prediction into :obj:`OutputData` if it is not this type yet Args: prediction: output from model implementation predict_data: :obj:`InputData` used for prediction output_data_type: :obj:`DataTypesEnum` for output Returns: prediction as :obj:`OutputData` """ if not isinstance(prediction, OutputData): # Wrap prediction as OutputData converted = OutputData(idx=predict_data.idx, features=predict_data.features, predict=prediction, task=predict_data.task,, data_type=output_data_type, supplementary_data=predict_data.supplementary_data) else: converted = prediction return converted
[docs]class SkLearnEvaluationStrategy(EvaluationStrategy): """This class defines the certain operation implementation for the sklearn operations defined in operation repository Args: operation_type: ``str`` of the operation defined in operation or data operation repositories .. details:: possible operations: - ``xgbreg``-> XGBRegressor - ``adareg``-> AdaBoostRegressor - ``gbr``-> GradientBoostingRegressor - ``dtreg``-> DecisionTreeRegressor - ``treg``-> ExtraTreesRegressor - ``rfr``-> RandomForestRegressor - ``linear``-> SklearnLinReg - ``ridge``-> SklearnRidgeReg - ``lasso``-> SklearnLassoReg - ``svr``-> SklearnSVR - ``sgdr``-> SklearnSGD - ``lgbmreg``-> LGBMRegressor - ``xgboost``-> XGBClassifier - ``logit``-> SklearnLogReg - ``bernb``-> SklearnBernoulliNB - ``multinb``-> SklearnMultinomialNB - ``dt``-> DecisionTreeClassifier - ``rf``-> RandomForestClassifier - ``mlp``-> MLPClassifier - ``lgbm``-> LGBMClassifier - ``kmeans``-> SklearnKmeans params: hyperparameters to fit the operation with """ _operations_by_types = { 'xgbreg': XGBRegressor, 'adareg': AdaBoostRegressor, 'gbr': GradientBoostingRegressor, 'dtreg': DecisionTreeRegressor, 'treg': ExtraTreesRegressor, 'rfr': RandomForestRegressor, 'linear': SklearnLinReg, 'ridge': SklearnRidgeReg, 'lasso': SklearnLassoReg, 'svr': SklearnSVR, 'sgdr': SklearnSGD, 'lgbmreg': LGBMRegressor, 'xgboost': XGBClassifier, 'logit': SklearnLogReg, 'bernb': SklearnBernoulliNB, 'multinb': SklearnMultinomialNB, 'dt': DecisionTreeClassifier, 'rf': RandomForestClassifier, 'mlp': MLPClassifier, 'lgbm': LGBMClassifier, 'kmeans': SklearnKmeans, } def __init__(self, operation_type: str, params: Optional[OperationParameters] = None): self.operation_impl = self._convert_to_operation(operation_type) super().__init__(operation_type, params)
[docs] def fit(self, train_data: InputData): """This method is used for operation training with the data provided Args: train_data: data used for operation training Returns: trained Sklearn operation """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) operation_implementation = self.operation_impl(**self.params_for_fit.to_dict()) # If model doesn't support multi-output and current task is ts_forecasting current_task = train_data.task.task_type models_repo = OperationTypesRepository() non_multi_models = models_repo.suitable_operation(task_type=current_task, tags=['non_multi']) is_model_not_support_multi = self.operation_type in non_multi_models # Multi-output task or not is_multi_target = is_multi_output_task(train_data) with ImplementationRandomStateHandler(implementation=operation_implementation): if is_model_not_support_multi and is_multi_target: # Manually wrap the regressor into multi-output model operation_implementation = convert_to_multivariate_model(operation_implementation, train_data) else:, return operation_implementation
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict(self, trained_operation, predict_data: InputData) -> OutputData: """This method used for prediction of the target data Args: trained_operation: operation object predict_data: data to predict Returns: passed data with new predicted target """ raise AbstractMethodNotImplementError
def _find_operation_by_impl(self, impl): for operation, operation_impl in self._operations_by_types.items(): if operation_impl == impl: return operation @property def implementation_info(self) -> str: return str(self._convert_to_operation(self.operation_type)) def _sklearn_compatible_prediction(self, trained_operation, features): is_multi_output_target = isinstance(trained_operation.classes_, list) # Check if target is multilabel (has 2 or more columns) if is_multi_output_target: n_classes = len(trained_operation.classes_[0]) else: n_classes = len(trained_operation.classes_) if self.output_mode == 'labels': prediction = trained_operation.predict(features) elif self.output_mode in ['probs', 'full_probs', 'default']: prediction = trained_operation.predict_proba(features) if n_classes < 2: raise ValueError('Data set contain only 1 target class. Please reformat your data.') elif n_classes == 2 and self.output_mode != 'full_probs': if is_multi_output_target: prediction = np.stack([pred[:, 1] for pred in prediction]).T else: prediction = prediction[:, 1] else: raise ValueError(f'Output model {self.output_mode} is not supported') return prediction
[docs]def convert_to_multivariate_model(sklearn_model, train_data: InputData): """The function returns an iterator for multiple target for those models for which such a function is not initially provided Args: sklearn_model: :obj:`Sklearn model` to train train_data: data used for model training Returns: wrapped :obj:`Sklearn model` """ if train_data.task.task_type == TaskTypesEnum.classification: multiout_func = MultiOutputClassifier elif train_data.task.task_type in [TaskTypesEnum.regression, TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting]: multiout_func = MultiOutputRegressor else: raise ValueError(f"For task type '{train_data.task.task_type}' MultiOutput wrapper is not supported") # Apply MultiOutput sklearn_model = multiout_func(sklearn_model), return sklearn_model
def is_multi_output_task(train_data): if is not None: target_shape = is_multi_target = len(target_shape) > 1 and target_shape[1] > 1 return is_multi_target