Source code for fedot.api.main

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from golem.core.dag.graph_utils import graph_structure
from golem.core.log import Log, default_log
from golem.core.optimisers.opt_history_objects.opt_history import OptHistory
from golem.core.tuning.simultaneous import SimultaneousTuner
from golem.utilities.data_structures import ensure_wrapped_in_sequence
from golem.visualisation.opt_viz_extra import visualise_pareto

from fedot.api.api_utils.api_composer import ApiComposer
from fedot.api.api_utils.api_data import ApiDataProcessor
from fedot.api.api_utils.data_definition import FeaturesType, TargetType
from fedot.api.api_utils.input_analyser import InputAnalyser
from fedot.api.api_utils.params import ApiParams
from fedot.api.api_utils.predefined_model import PredefinedModel
from import InputData, OutputData
from import MultiModalData
from import plot_biplot, plot_forecast, plot_roc_auc
from fedot.core.optimisers.objective import PipelineObjectiveEvaluate
from fedot.core.optimisers.objective.metrics_objective import MetricsObjective
from fedot.core.pipelines.pipeline import Pipeline
from fedot.core.pipelines.ts_wrappers import convert_forecast_to_output, out_of_sample_ts_forecast
from fedot.core.pipelines.tuning.tuner_builder import TunerBuilder
from fedot.core.repository.metrics_repository import MetricCallable
from fedot.core.repository.tasks import TaskParams, TaskTypesEnum
from fedot.core.utils import set_random_seed
from fedot.explainability.explainer_template import Explainer
from fedot.explainability.explainers import explain_pipeline
from fedot.preprocessing.base_preprocessing import BasePreprocessor
from fedot.remote.remote_evaluator import RemoteEvaluator
from fedot.utilities.composer_timer import fedot_composer_timer
from fedot.utilities.define_metric_by_task import MetricByTask
from fedot.utilities.memory import MemoryAnalytics
from fedot.utilities.project_import_export import export_project_to_zip, import_project_from_zip

NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG = 'Model not fitted yet'

[docs]class Fedot: """ The main class for FEDOT AutoML API. Alternatively, may be initialized using the class :class:`~fedot.api.builder.FedotBuilder`, where all the optional AutoML parameters are documented and separated by meaning. Args: problem: name of the modelling problem to solve. .. details:: Possible options: - ``classification`` -> for classification task - ``regression`` -> for regression task - ``ts_forecasting`` -> for time series forecasting task timeout: time for model design (in minutes): ``None`` or ``-1`` means infinite time. task_params: additional parameters of the task. seed: value for a fixed random seed. logging_level: logging levels are the same as in `built-in logging library <>`_. .. details:: Possible options: - ``50`` -> critical - ``40`` -> error - ``30`` -> warning - ``20`` -> info - ``10`` -> debug - ``0`` -> nonset safe_mode: if set ``True`` it will cut large datasets to prevent memory overflow and use label encoder instead of OneHot encoder if summary cardinality of categorical features is high. Default value is ``False``. n_jobs: num of ``n_jobs`` for parallelization (set to ``-1`` to use all cpu's). Defaults to ``-1``. composer_tuner_params: Additional optional parameters. See their documentation at the methods of :class:`~fedot.api.builder.FedotBuilder`. """ def __init__(self, problem: str, timeout: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MINUTES, task_params: TaskParams = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, logging_level: int = logging.ERROR, safe_mode: bool = False, n_jobs: int = -1, **composer_tuner_params ): set_random_seed(seed) self.log = self._init_logger(logging_level) # Attributes for dealing with metrics, data sources and hyperparameters self.params = ApiParams(composer_tuner_params, problem, task_params, n_jobs, timeout, seed) default_metrics = MetricByTask.get_default_quality_metrics(self.params.task.task_type) passed_metrics = self.params.get('metric') self.metrics = ensure_wrapped_in_sequence(passed_metrics) if passed_metrics else default_metrics self.api_composer = ApiComposer(self.params, self.metrics) # Initialize data processors for data preprocessing and preliminary data analysis self.data_processor = ApiDataProcessor(task=self.params.task, use_input_preprocessing=self.params.get('use_input_preprocessing')) self.data_analyser = InputAnalyser(safe_mode=safe_mode) Optional[TargetType] = None self.prediction: Optional[OutputData] = None self._is_in_sample_prediction = True self.train_data: Optional[InputData] = None self.test_data: Optional[InputData] = None # Outputs self.current_pipeline: Optional[Pipeline] = None self.best_models: Sequence[Pipeline] = () self.history: Optional[OptHistory] = None fedot_composer_timer.reset_timer()
[docs] def fit(self, features: FeaturesType, target: TargetType = 'target', predefined_model: Union[str, Pipeline] = None) -> Pipeline: """Composes and fits a new pipeline, or fits a predefined one. Args: features: train data feature values in one of the supported features formats. target: train data target values in one of the supported target formats. predefined_model: the name of a single model or a :class:`Pipeline` instance, or ``auto``. With any value specified, the method does not perform composing and tuning. In case of ``auto``, the method generates a single initial assumption and then fits the created pipeline. Returns: :class:`Pipeline` object. """ MemoryAnalytics.start() = target with fedot_composer_timer.launch_data_definition('fit'): self.train_data = self.data_processor.define_data(features=features, target=target, is_predict=False) self.params.update_available_operations_by_preset(self.train_data) if self.params.get('use_input_preprocessing'): # Launch data analyser - it gives recommendations for data preprocessing recommendations_for_data, recommendations_for_params = \ self.data_analyser.give_recommendations(input_data=self.train_data, input_params=self.params) self.data_processor.accept_and_apply_recommendations(input_data=self.train_data, recommendations=recommendations_for_data) self.params.accept_and_apply_recommendations(input_data=self.train_data, recommendations=recommendations_for_params) else: recommendations_for_data = None self._init_remote_if_necessary() if isinstance(self.train_data, InputData) and self.params.get('use_auto_preprocessing'): with fedot_composer_timer.launch_preprocessing(): self.train_data = self.data_processor.fit_transform(self.train_data) # TODO: Workaround for AtomizedModel init_asm ='initial_assumption') if predefined_model is None: if isinstance(init_asm, Pipeline) and ("atomized" in init_asm.descriptive_id): self.log.message('Composition for AtomizedModel currently unavailable') predefined_model = init_asm with fedot_composer_timer.launch_fitting(): if predefined_model is not None: # Fit predefined model and return it without composing self.current_pipeline = PredefinedModel( predefined_model, self.train_data, self.log, use_input_preprocessing=self.params.get('use_input_preprocessing'), api_preprocessor=self.data_processor.preprocessor, ).fit() else: self.current_pipeline, self.best_models, self.history = self.api_composer.obtain_model(self.train_data) if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError('No models were found') full_train_not_preprocessed = deepcopy(self.train_data) # Final fit for obtained pipeline on full dataset with fedot_composer_timer.launch_train_inference(): if self.history and not self.history.is_empty() or not self.current_pipeline.is_fitted: self._train_pipeline_on_full_dataset(recommendations_for_data, full_train_not_preprocessed) self.log.message('Final pipeline was fitted') else: self.log.message('Already fitted initial pipeline is used') # Merge API & pipelines encoders if it is required self.current_pipeline.preprocessor = BasePreprocessor.merge_preprocessors( api_preprocessor=self.data_processor.preprocessor, pipeline_preprocessor=self.current_pipeline.preprocessor, use_auto_preprocessing=self.params.get('use_auto_preprocessing') ) self.log.message(f'Final pipeline: {graph_structure(self.current_pipeline)}') MemoryAnalytics.finish() return self.current_pipeline
[docs] def tune(self, input_data: Optional[FeaturesType] = None, target: TargetType = 'target', metric_name: Optional[Union[str, MetricCallable]] = None, iterations: int = DEFAULT_TUNING_ITERATIONS_NUMBER, timeout: Optional[float] = None, cv_folds: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False) -> Pipeline: """Method for hyperparameters tuning of current pipeline Args: input_data: data for tuning pipeline in one of the supported formats. target: data target values in one of the supported target formats. metric_name: name of metric for quality tuning. iterations: numbers of tuning iterations. timeout: time for tuning (in minutes). If ``None`` or ``-1`` means tuning until max iteration reach. cv_folds: number of folds on data for cross-validation. n_jobs: num of ``n_jobs`` for parallelization (``-1`` for use all cpu's). show_progress: shows progress of tuning if ``True``. Returns: :class:`Pipeline` object. """ if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError(NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG) with fedot_composer_timer.launch_tuning('post'): if input_data is None: input_data = self.train_data else: input_data = self.data_processor.define_data(features=input_data, target=target, is_predict=False) cv_folds = cv_folds or self.params.get('cv_folds') n_jobs = n_jobs or self.params.n_jobs metric = metric_name if metric_name else self.metrics[0] pipeline_tuner = (TunerBuilder(self.params.task) .with_tuner(SimultaneousTuner) .with_cv_folds(cv_folds) .with_n_jobs(n_jobs) .with_metric(metric) .with_iterations(iterations) .with_timeout(timeout) .build(input_data)) self.current_pipeline = pipeline_tuner.tune(self.current_pipeline, show_progress=show_progress) self.api_composer.was_tuned = pipeline_tuner.was_tuned # Tuner returns a not fitted pipeline, and it is required to fit on train dataset return self.current_pipeline
[docs] def predict(self, features: FeaturesType, save_predictions: bool = False, in_sample: bool = True, validation_blocks: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Predicts new target using already fitted model. For time-series performs forecast with depth ``forecast_length`` if ``in_sample=False``. If ``in_sample=True`` performs in-sample forecast using features as sample. Args: features: an array with features of test data. save_predictions: if ``True`` - save predictions as csv-file in working directory. in_sample: used while time-series prediction. If ``in_sample=True`` performs in-sample forecast using features with number if iterations specified in ``validation_blocks``. validation_blocks: number of validation blocks for in-sample forecast. Returns: An array with prediction values. """ if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError(NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG) with fedot_composer_timer.launch_data_definition('predict'): self.test_data = self.data_processor.define_data(, features=features, is_predict=True) self._is_in_sample_prediction = in_sample if isinstance(self.test_data, InputData) and self.params.get('use_auto_preprocessing'): with fedot_composer_timer.launch_preprocessing(): self.test_data = self.data_processor.transform(self.test_data, self.current_pipeline) with fedot_composer_timer.launch_predicting(): self.prediction = self.data_processor.define_predictions(current_pipeline=self.current_pipeline, test_data=self.test_data, in_sample=self._is_in_sample_prediction, validation_blocks=validation_blocks) if save_predictions: self.save_predict(self.prediction) return self.prediction.predict
[docs] def predict_proba(self, features: FeaturesType, save_predictions: bool = False, probs_for_all_classes: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Predicts the probability of new target using already fitted classification model Args: features: an array with features of test data. save_predictions: if ``True`` - save predictions as ``.csv`` file in working directory. probs_for_all_classes: if ``True`` - return probability for each class even for binary classification. Returns: An array with prediction values. """ if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError(NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG) with fedot_composer_timer.launch_predicting(): if self.params.task.task_type == TaskTypesEnum.classification: self.test_data = self.data_processor.define_data(, features=features, is_predict=True) mode = 'full_probs' if probs_for_all_classes else 'probs' self.prediction = self.current_pipeline.predict(self.test_data, output_mode=mode) if save_predictions: self.save_predict(self.prediction) else: raise ValueError('Probabilities of predictions are available only for classification') return self.prediction.predict
[docs] def forecast(self, pre_history: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], InputData, dict]] = None, horizon: Optional[int] = None, save_predictions: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Forecasts the new values of time series. If horizon is bigger than forecast length of fitted model - out-of-sample forecast is applied (not supported for multi-modal data). Args: pre_history: an array with features for pre-history of the forecast. horizon: amount of steps to forecast. save_predictions: if ``True`` save predictions as csv-file in working directory. Returns: An array with prediction values. """ self._check_forecast_applicable() forecast_length = self.train_data.task.task_params.forecast_length horizon = horizon or forecast_length if pre_history is None: pre_history = self.train_data = None self.test_data = self.data_processor.define_data(, features=pre_history, is_predict=True) predict = out_of_sample_ts_forecast(self.current_pipeline, self.test_data, horizon) self.prediction = convert_forecast_to_output(self.test_data, predict) self._is_in_sample_prediction = False if save_predictions: self.save_predict(self.prediction) return self.prediction.predict
def _check_forecast_applicable(self): if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError(NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG) if self.params.task.task_type != TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting: raise ValueError('Forecasting can be used only for the time series')
[docs] def load(self, path): """Loads saved graph from disk Args: path: path to ``json`` file with model. """ self.current_pipeline = Pipeline(use_input_preprocessing=self.params.get('use_input_preprocessing')) self.current_pipeline.load(path) self.data_processor.preprocessor = self.current_pipeline.preprocessor
def plot_pareto(self): metric_names = [str(metric) for metric in self.metrics] # archive_history stores archives of the best models. # Each archive is sorted from the best to the worst model, # so the best_candidates is sorted too. best_candidates = self.history.archive_history[-1] visualise_pareto(front=best_candidates, objectives_names=metric_names, show=True)
[docs] def plot_prediction(self, in_sample: Optional[bool] = None, target: Optional[Any] = None): """Plots prediction obtained from a graph. Args: in_sample: if current prediction is in_sample (for time-series forecasting), plots predictions as future values. target: user-specified name of target variable for :class:`MultiModalData`. """ task = self.params.task if self.prediction is not None: if task.task_type == TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting: in_sample = in_sample or self._is_in_sample_prediction plot_forecast(self.test_data, self.prediction, in_sample, target) elif task.task_type == TaskTypesEnum.regression: plot_biplot(self.prediction) elif task.task_type == TaskTypesEnum.classification: self.predict_proba(self.test_data) plot_roc_auc(self.test_data, self.prediction) else: self.log.error('Not supported yet') raise NotImplementedError(f"For task {task} plot prediction is not supported") else: self.log.error('No prediction to visualize') raise ValueError('Prediction from model is empty')
[docs] def get_metrics(self, target: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series] = None, metric_names: Union[str, List[str]] = None, in_sample: Optional[bool] = None, validation_blocks: Optional[int] = None, rounding_order: int = 3) -> dict: """Gets quality metrics for a fitted graph Args: target: an array with target values of test data. If ``None``, target specified for fit is used. metric_names: names of required metrics. in_sample: used for time series forecasting. If True prediction will be obtained as ``.predict(..., in_sample=True)``. validation_blocks: number of validation blocks for time series in-sample forecast. rounding_order: number of decimal places for metrics Returns: Values of quality metrics. """ if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError(NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG) if target is not None: if self.test_data is None: self.test_data = InputData(idx=np.arange(len(self.prediction.predict)), features=None, target=target[:len(self.prediction.predict)], task=self.train_data.task, data_type=self.train_data.data_type) else: = target[:len(self.prediction.predict)] metrics = ensure_wrapped_in_sequence(metric_names) if metric_names else self.metrics metric_names = [str(metric) for metric in metrics] in_sample = in_sample if in_sample is not None else self._is_in_sample_prediction if not in_sample: validation_blocks = None objective = MetricsObjective(metrics) obj_eval = PipelineObjectiveEvaluate(objective=objective, data_producer=lambda: (yield self.train_data, self.test_data), validation_blocks=validation_blocks, eval_n_jobs=self.params.n_jobs, do_unfit=False) metrics = obj_eval.evaluate(self.current_pipeline).values metrics = {metric_name: round(abs(metric), rounding_order) for (metric_name, metric) in zip(metric_names, metrics)} return metrics
[docs] def save_predict(self, predicted_data: OutputData): # TODO unify with OutputData.save_to_csv() """ Saves pipeline forecasts in csv file """ if len(predicted_data.predict.shape) >= 2: prediction = predicted_data.predict.tolist() else: prediction = predicted_data.predict pd.DataFrame({'Index': predicted_data.idx, 'Prediction': prediction}).to_csv('./predictions.csv', index=False) self.log.message('Predictions was saved in current directory.')
def export_as_project(self, project_path=''): export_project_to_zip(zip_name=project_path, opt_history=self.history, pipeline=self.current_pipeline, train_data=self.train_data, test_data=self.test_data) def import_as_project(self, project_path=''): self.current_pipeline, self.train_data, self.test_data, self.history = \ import_project_from_zip(zip_path=project_path) # TODO workaround to init internal fields of API and data self.train_data = self.data_processor.define_data(features=self.train_data, is_predict=False) self.test_data = self.data_processor.define_data(features=self.test_data, is_predict=True) self.predict(self.test_data)
[docs] def explain(self, features: FeaturesType = None, method: str = 'surrogate_dt', visualization: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Explainer: """Creates explanation for :attr:`~Fedot.current_pipeline` according to the selected ``method``. An :class:`Explainer` instance will return. Args: features: samples to be explained. If ``None``, ``train_data`` from last fit will be used. method: explanation method, defaults to ``surrogate_dt`` visualization: print and plot the explanation simultaneously, defaults to ``True``. Notes: An explanation can be retrieved later by executing :meth:`Explainer.visualize`. """ pipeline = self.current_pipeline if features is None: data = self.train_data else: data = self.data_processor.define_data(features=features, is_predict=False) explainer = explain_pipeline(pipeline=pipeline, data=data, method=method, visualization=visualization, **kwargs) return explainer
[docs] def return_report(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Function returns a report on time consumption. The following steps are presented in this report: - 'Data Definition (fit)': Time spent on data definition in fit(). - 'Data Preprocessing': Total time spent on preprocessing data, includes fitting and predicting stages. - 'Fitting (summary)': Total time spent on Composing, Tuning and Training Inference. - 'Composing': Time spent on searching for the best pipeline. - 'Train Inference': Time spent on training the pipeline found during composing. - 'Tuning (composing)': Time spent on hyperparameters tuning in the whole fitting, if with_tune is True. - 'Tuning (after)': Time spent on .tune() (hyperparameters tuning) after composing. - 'Data Definition (predict)': Time spent on data definition in predict(). - 'Predicting': Time spent on predicting (inference). """ report = if self.current_pipeline is None: raise ValueError(NOT_FITTED_ERR_MSG) report = pd.DataFrame(data=report.values(), index=report.keys()) return report.iloc[:, 0].dt.components.iloc[:, :-2]
@staticmethod def _init_logger(logging_level: int): # reset logging level for Singleton Log().reset_logging_level(logging_level) return default_log(prefix='FEDOT logger') def _init_remote_if_necessary(self): remote = RemoteEvaluator() if remote.is_enabled and remote.remote_task_params is not None: task = self.params.task if task.task_type is TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting: task_str = (f'Task(TaskTypesEnum.ts_forecasting, ' f'TsForecastingParams(forecast_length={task.task_params.forecast_length}))') else: task_str = f'Task({str(task.task_type)})' remote.remote_task_params.task_type = task_str remote.remote_task_params.is_multi_modal = isinstance(self.train_data, MultiModalData) if isinstance(, str) and is None: =
[docs] def _train_pipeline_on_full_dataset(self, recommendations: Optional[dict], full_train_not_preprocessed: Union[InputData, MultiModalData]): """Applies training procedure for obtained pipeline if dataset was clipped """ if recommendations is not None: # if data was cut we need to refit pipeline on full data self.data_processor.accept_and_apply_recommendations(full_train_not_preprocessed, {k: v for k, v in recommendations.items() if k != 'cut'}) full_train_not_preprocessed, n_jobs=self.params.n_jobs )