from fedot.core.pipelines.pipeline_builder import PipelineBuilder
[docs]def ts_ets_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_ets_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where cut - cut part of dataset and ets - exponential smoothing
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder().add_node('cut').add_node('ets',
params={'error': 'add',
'trend': 'add',
'seasonal': 'add',
'damped_trend': False,
'seasonal_periods': 20})
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_ets_ridge_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_ets_ridge_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where cut - cut part of dataset, ets - exponential smoothing
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence(('cut', {'cut_part': 0.5}),
('ets', {'error': 'add', 'trend': 'add', 'seasonal': 'add',
'damped_trend': False, 'seasonal_periods': 20}),
branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=1).join_branches('ridge')
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_glm_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_glm_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where glm - Generalized linear model
pipeline = PipelineBuilder().add_node('glm', params={'family': 'gaussian'}).build()
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_glm_ridge_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_glm_ridge_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where glm - Generalized linear model
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('glm', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=1).join_branches('ridge')
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_polyfit_pipeline(degree):
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_polyfit_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where polyfit - Polynomial interpolation
pipeline = PipelineBuilder().add_node('polyfit', params={'degree': degree}).build()
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_polyfit_ridge_pipeline(degree):
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_polyfit_ridge_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where polyfit - Polynomial interpolation
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence(('polyfit', {'degree': degree}), branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=1).join_branches('ridge')
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_complex_ridge_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_complex_ridge_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=1).join_branches('ridge')
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_complex_ridge_smoothing_pipeline():
Pipeline looking like this
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_complex_ridge_smoothing_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where smoothing - rolling mean
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('smoothing', 'lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=1).join_branches('ridge')
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_complex_dtreg_pipeline(first_node='lagged'):
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_complex_dtreg_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where dtreg = tree regressor, rfr - random forest regressor
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence(first_node, 'dtreg', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence(first_node, 'dtreg', branch_idx=1).join_branches('rfr')
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_multiple_ets_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_multiple_ets_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where ets - exponential_smoothing
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('ets', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('ets', branch_idx=1) \
.add_sequence('ets', branch_idx=2) \
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_ar_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_ar_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where ar - auto regression
pipeline = PipelineBuilder().add_node('ar').build()
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_arima_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_arima_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
pipeline = PipelineBuilder().add_node("arima").build()
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_stl_arima_pipeline():
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_stl_arima_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
pipeline = PipelineBuilder().add_node("stl_arima").build()
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_locf_ridge_pipeline():
Pipeline with naive LOCF (last observation carried forward) model
and lagged features
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_locf_ridge_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('locf', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('ar', branch_idx=1) \
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def ts_naive_average_ridge_pipeline():
Pipeline with simple forecasting model (the forecast is mean value for known
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/ts_naive_average_ridge_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('ts_naive_average', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence('lagged', branch_idx=1) \
pipeline =
return pipeline
[docs]def cgru_pipeline(window_size=200):
Return pipeline with the following structure:
.. image:: img_ts_pipelines/cgru_pipeline.png
:width: 55%
Where cgru - convolutional long short-term memory model
pip_builder = PipelineBuilder() \
.add_sequence('lagged', 'ridge', branch_idx=0) \
.add_sequence(('lagged', {'window_size': window_size}), 'cgru', branch_idx=1) \
pipeline =
return pipeline